What Most Americans Want

We live in a time where we are bombarded with politics on a daily basis. Everyone has his/her opinion on what is right and what is wrong. However, do you know what most Americans want? Less politics. Less government.

I say that confidently, because I am an average American. I work full time to support my family and so does my spouse. I don’t want the government giving me a check. No, thank you. I will work for my money. Though handouts sound great, I know in order to continue to live in a strong, prosperous nation, we must work. We must innovate. We must create. We must manufacture. We must export. We must work together as Americans to forge the nation ahead. We’ve got to work the fields. We’ve got to work in the factories. We must do hard work. Guess what? Most Americans do and if you are a healthy American who doesn’t work hard for your family, shame on you.

Next, we don’t want the government deciding on our healthcare. What do we want? We want competition. We want the insurance companies competing with each other to drive down the prices. This theory of competition is one reason why America has been leading the world for years. Plus, I do believe we can choose better for ourselves than the select few in Washington, DC.

We want secure borders. We want to know those entering into our great nation are doing so for the right reasons. We are a nation of laws. If you break the speed limit, you get a ticket. There’s consequences to breaking the law- plain and simple. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel, just follow the law. If you are not a United States citizen, take the steps to become one. We have a path to citizenship. Many people have gained their citizenship through the process. You, illegals, are no different. Do it the correct way. Once again, shame on you if you are here illegally. We love America. It is our home and we protect our home.

Lastly, we want to remain one nation under God. We are a nation of Christian values. We believe in saying “Merry Christmas” and we support Israel. As Christians, we are pro-life. We don’t believe abortion is a form of birth control. Remember that thing about consequences earlier? Yeah, a baby is consequence to an action. God has a purpose for that life. We are not God, we shouldn’t have the choice to play God. Thankfully, God is the glue that holds our families together. We need stronger families in the United States; therefore, we need to cling to God more.

America is a great, strong nation. America is great because of the people who live here now and who lived here long before us. We want a say so in our laws and we want our laws enforced. We want less government. We want less handouts. We want to work for what we have. We want to live in a place that is fair. Furthermore, we want America to continue to be the country we know it to be.

Ramblings of a Conservative | What Most Americans Want